Clockwise from top left: Noah, Amy and her boyfriend, Drew, on a video chat with Sherman's father, Al; Amy with dolphin in Cabo San Lucas; Noah being propelled by two dolphins; family shot on the Cabo vacation; Drew and Amy at Mt. Rushmore
Here’s our 2014 in a numeric nutshell, Twelve Days of Christmas style...
12 – months per year we’re
grateful for our family and friends. This wasn’t the easiest of years, but we
get by with more than a little help from… well, all of you.
11 – number of players on Noah's soccer
team. He played “swing” meaning both Varsity and JV. He’s improved
greatly and we’re hoping for even more playing time next year.
10 – percent of the year Sherman spent in New York. (See the
entry for "5" below.)
9 – days in Cabo San Lucas on an
extended family destination vacation. Beach life, playing with dolphins, oddly
never seeing a peso and of course, family time highlighted this sojourn.
8 – days Amy spent in Huancayo,Peru, focusing on health in underserved areas.
Peru made her realize that healthcare is a blessing and that she is
profoundly grateful to have access to good healthcare in the States.
7 – days per week when Denise
shares tips and insights on living a better life, on her business’s Facebook page (Clear Spaces, LLC). Not sure where
she finds the time to find such fascinating tidbits, but perhaps her secrets
are to found in those tidbits.
6 – number of Denise’s Scout
camping trips this year, which are definitely opportunities to confirm her
organizational tidbits.
5 – weeks: the length of time that Sherman spent in NY
this year to help his dad, Al, recover from a minor stroke. Al’s doing really well now but it was touch and go at first. This year
was a crash course for all of us on geriatric care, proper estate planning, the
benefits of a good rehab program and the power of prayer. On our 2014 card, what seems to be an
odd picture of Noah, Amy and Drew staring at an iPad is actually a Thanksgiving
video chat with Al.
4 – heads on Mt. Rushmore, one of
the destinations on Amy’s vacation with her boyfriend Drew and his family. Next
year Drew will join us on our family vacation in sunny southern California.
3 – for the bronze medal finish of
the Brentwood HS Winter Drum Line. It was the best finish in many years for the
young squad, and Noah is gunning for improvement next year!
2 – gigs at the St. Louis Art
Museum for Na Mele Pumehana (the Hawaiian band Sherman plays in) as part of the
Atua: Sacred Gods of Polynesia exhibit.
Hitting the big time…
1 – as played by our church’s
worship band at the beginning of Advent, the song “Better Days”, by the Goo Goo
And the one poor child who saved this world / and there’s ten million more who probably could / if we just stopped and said a prayer for them.
So take these words / and sing out loud / ‘cause everyone / is forgiven now / ‘Cause tonight’s the night the world begins again
Here’s to health, happiness and humor in 2015!