Saturday, December 24, 2022

Periodical-Lee 2022

A year filled with loss and sadness, and with birth, new hope, and gratitude…

    12 – # of months Noah has lived on his own. He’s just moved again, to south St. Louis which has more activity. Denise and I enjoy grabbing coffee with Noah on most weekends. And there’s that wedding coming up in October 2023

    11 – # of Empty Nester months – house projects (two bathrooms) are finally done and we’re continuously decluttering. It’s been years since just the two of us, but Patches the intrepid 21.67-year-old cat says “The nest isn’t empty! Don’t forget that I scream for third breakfast and second dinner every day!”

    10th and 2nd months – Key events for Denise’s father, Phil Bonzon.  Phil died in early February, well outliving the standard prognosis for an organ transplant in 2004. He was well-cared for in his final months at his assisted living residence not far from our house. That enabled Denise to visit several times a week. Phil did get to see Graham in person and we’re very grateful for that. 

    – For nine months, Sherman has been back in the office three days a week (at home the other two) and that made it hard to rebuild the office chorus. Pitching the benefits of singing one hour a week irrespective of being at performances, people felt energized the rest of that day. They pulled off two successful gigs, with Sherman accompanying on piano.

    8th month (August) – Our main SoCal visit (of four visits) was a family reunion at the desert mountain ranch to avoid crowded destinations. “Together time” is greatly treasured, with great food, art, and learning about family history, and glider rides! (That was Sherman’s first and probably last glider ride.)

    7th day of June – Amy gave birth to Sully on 6/7 to share a birthday with father Drew. Sully has a keen sense of observation, soaking up the world around him. He can’t wait to try everything he sees big brother Graham doing!