Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Periodical-Lee 2015

Clockwise from top left: Amy and Noah; Drew and Noah helping cousins Jasmine and Jason watch the Disney parade, with Amy photobombing in the middle; Koa on his last good walk to the park; Drew and Amy showcasing their culinary and pop culture skills; family at the MUNY to see "Into the Woods"; Noah facing the future with firm feline foundation.

Here’s our 2015 in a numeric nutshell, Twelve Days of Christmas style... 

12 - years of Denise being blessed as a Scout Leader, to witness the development of many fine young men.  With Noah’s tenure almost complete, will Denise continue? Hmm...
11.5 - years for Noah of public school.  On top of rigorous academics: soccer, French Club, tennis, debate, and of course, winter drum line team. Noah is applying to college, interested in majoring in engineering of the computer science and/or electrical variety.  
10 - a full decade of the best dog ever, Koa. In Hawaiian, it means “strong and brave” but anyone who met Koa knew him better as playful and friendly.  As a Whippet and Border Collie mix, he ran the fastest circles and was the best Frisbee dog we’ve ever known.  Rest in peace, Koa.
9 - days in southern California. It’s not the actual activities we’ll remember so much as visiting with relatives and friends.  Actually, we’ll remember the 14 hours at Disneyland because lots of relatives went, and of course, it’s Disneyland!
8 - guys in Noah’s Dungeons and Dragons group. A new hobby, Noah enjoys his role as Dungeon Master with his fertile imagination, and hosting most of the gatherings.  Our house may be just a tad quieter next year after he leaves for college.
7 - musical performances for Sherman in a fortnight to celebrate Advent and Christmas, with three different groups.  His resolution for next year?  Look at a monthly calendar view before confirming gigs.
6 - days for Noah and Sherman at the triennial national youth gathering with their church youth group in Detroit. It was Noah’s second trip, filled with community service, education, worship and fellowship. A new adventure this time around:  Sherman directed the teen praise band (for the Kansas-Missouri area), and Noah joined in on percussion.
5 - the number of person-hours logged in designing, baking and building the "Game of Thrones”-themed “Red Wedding” cake for Sherman’s birthday.  Cake created by Amy, sword rendered by Drew...
4 - … Drew, who on the Fourth of July, proposed to Amy!  We’re all ecstatic about this news, and marvelous pro-active people that they are, they’re planning on tying the knot the summer of 2017, after Amy completes a one-year internship program.  Amy and Drew will graduate in May 2016, and Drew will start working full-time at a mining company (where he’s interned for the past three summers) while Amy completes her studies.
3 - number of terms Denise just completed as the President of the St. Louis chapter of National Association of Professional Organizers. Similar to her Scout leadership role, Denise volunteers many hours to this organization (no pun intended), helping advance the vision of helping people overcome challenges, and gets as much in return as she gives.
2 - the number of "fine feline cats” (Patches and Cuddles) in our household, who fill the Koa void.  By the way, that’s Denise’s preferred wording, because their cat awesomeness is so great it requires the extra emphasis.  
1 - as in The One who we celebrate this time of year. The last of Sherman’s musical gigs was as accompanist for the Sunday School Christmas program. Normally Sherman runs the sound board, but with the passing of dear friend Mary (who played piano for these programs going back when Amy was little), there was cascading change of leadership for the program. We weren’t sure if it would come together for the big day, even though all the pieces were there. But the most important thing about the program comes during practice and absorbing the Word. And through all of that practice it was our faith in Christ that did gather our efforts to make everything click on the big day, with everyone reflecting the Christmas message embedded in their hearts and minds… 

Here’s to health, happiness and humor in 2016!

Sherman, Denise, Noah, Amy and Drew

1 comment:

Ms. B. said...

Thanks for another edition of the Periodical-Lee. Your family message is uplifting and rich with the love you share. -Deb Bohlmann