Saturday, March 20, 2010

Lent Day 28: A Strange Place

Previously I referenced a Madeleine L'Engle poem that I heard read at a recent church service, because I wanted to see with my eyes what I had heard with my ears.  I've finally had a chance to read more of that book, including poems that were not read aloud.

I didn't explain before that Madeleine L'Engle, of A Wrinkle in Time fame, wrote many poems "reflecting on themes of love, loss, faith and beauty" (from the book jacket) and are all collected in a book called The Ordering of Love.

Here's one that really caught my eye, because it captures exactly what I've been exploring for the past 27 days of Lenten posts.  I've not written much poetry, or sad to say even read much poetry in my lifetime, but that will probably change soon.  I'm appreciating more than ever the fullness of expression with an economy of words.  Here is a "This is a Strange Place" (from p. 124 of The Ordering of Love)

This is a strange place
and I would be lost were it not for all the others
who have been here before me.
It is the alien space
of your absence.
It had been called, by some,
the dark night of the soul.
But it is the absence of night as well as light,
an odd emptiness,
the chill of any land without your presence.
And yet in this Lent of your absence,
I am more certain of your love and comfort
than when it is I who have been withdrawn from you.

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