Friday, March 5, 2010

Lent Day 15: TGIF / TGFT

TGIF -- Thank God It's Friday

If you believe Wikipedia, it's a term coined in the 1970s as a "common expression of relief at the end of the work week and anticipation of relaxing or partying over the weekend."

I've never been into the "party hearty" aspect of it although I enjoy weekends -- and I've never felt the relief of Fridays at the end of the work week as much as I have recently.  Part of that is the workload at the office, part of it is that all my outside activities seem to be converging into a perfect storm of time demands.

Perhaps it's the fatigue talking -- I tend to get overly sentimental when raw from lack of sleep -- but I'm grateful for every single day.  I've been blessed with many things, mostly the people in my life.  I couldn't ask for a better family and in my darkest thoughts I might think I don't deserve them.

And as solemn and sober as this Lenten journal may have sounded (but it wasn't my intent at all), it's because I'm realizing how fragile all of this is... but I'm not downbeat about it.  Quite the opposite in fact, I feel renewed by it.  By turning off the radio during commutes and giving up most of my TV time to write every night, I see my life in sharper focus, more grateful for all my experiences, bad and good, challenging and rewarding.

And I'm not only thankful for (people/things in my life), but thankful to... thankful to God.

TGFT -- Thank God For Today

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1 comment:

Michael Kunz said...

enjoying your blog, dude.